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Iwakuni Castle in Japan

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Iwakuni Castle in Japan 
Iwakuni Castle in Japan 
A castle located in Iwakuni in Yamaguchi in Japan was constructed by Kikawa 1601 - 1608 AD was chosen as site of the castle has its advantages natural defense on the summit of Mount Hirōyama Nishiki River and is surrounded by the castle and you can see the city for a distance of 200 meters 

The fort remained steadfast for a longer period of time, which took in built where it was built over five years has been destroyed after seven years and then reconstructed in 1962 has exceeded the beautiful original fort which was built with reinforced concrete and consists of four floors in the first three of which displays Samurai swords and shields famous The fourth floor is monitored 

And do not forget to visit the famous bridge Quintayuko which meant a lot of visitors to Iwakuni Castle to enjoy seeing the scenic and perhaps from there you'll want to take some pictures 

  If you're a fan of the cable car ride, this service is available, but you'll also go to the park where Keiko resides cable cars and from there went to see the castle and bridge annex beautiful Landscape 

Open Dates: 
Castle opens its doors to visitors daily from 9:00 - 16:45 
And closed from December 16 to December 31 
Entry Fee: 
The price of admission ticket to Fort 260 yen per person 
The cable car ride to 540 yen per person 
As for both together and to see the bridge 930 yen per person


Sado Island Jahima tourist in Japan

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Sado Island Jahima tourist in Japan 
Sado Island tourist Jahima 
Sado City is located on the island of Sado in Niigata Prefecture in the Chubu region in Japan, since 2004 the city was the words of the entire island and this island is the sixth largest island with an area of ​​855.26 Japanese square kilometers 
Enjoy the island for its rich history and faces moderate, making it one of the most important major tourist destinations in Niigata Prefecture The ways curfew on the island are either by bus, where they organized a timetable wonderful to wander through the two days and the cost of the ticket per person in 2000 Japanese Yen or drive away any by renting a car and both two methods Stmanhan you a chance to see the most beautiful scenic coastal and mountain
Start your tour to visit the Senkaku Bay, a breathtaking bay is located on the northwest coast of the island of Sado, which is a quasi-national park full of rocky cliffs annex beautiful scenic and tourists can take trips by boat in the Gulf and the journey takes about 15 minutes
Do not forget to visit Sado gold mine, which produces annually approximately 400 kg of gold in addition to the production of small amounts of silver and copper mine and is currently open to visitors, especially those tracks that lead to the tunnels of the mine and the presence of large display screens 
Open Dates: 
Opens its doors to the mine Zoarmen April to October from 08:00 - 17:30 
From November to March of Time 8:30 - 17:00 
Entry Fee: 
The price of the ticket 800 yen for the person Auahd
Then go to through Osado Sky, which some call through scenic and which passes through Mount Osado in the north of the island of Sado also passes near a gold mine and is available on the island flights for an hour through this road in the middle of the journey will pass some restaurants and guest houses in order to take a rest and inhale some fresh air 

And is held on the island many events and various festivals such as the Festival celebrate Earth a huge annual festival of arts and run by a group Taikocodo In August they invite international artists to make this event remains the coolest festival in place for three days 

How to get to the island: 
Daily flights are available four held between the airport Sado and Niigata Airport, as well as vice versa, and the trip takes 25 minutes and costs 6,500 yen 

Website: here 
Geographic Location: Here Google Map

Lake Kothara charming in Japan

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Lake Kothara charming in Japan 
Lake Kothara charming 
It is located south-west of the island of Hokkaido at an altitude of 258 m above sea level and depth of 148 m, which is part of the national park Hicoto Toba is known for its water net transparency as they reach their transparency to a depth of 19 meters and occupies second place after Lake Machu according to the 
Ministry of Environment and this is what makes it one of the most important tourist destinations in Japan
Also, this lake rich fisheries so the tourists can hire boats, sport fishing and enjoy it allows for two or at most three ride in the boat and the cost of Ojarha 2000 yen (but does not allow the practice of sport fishing from mid-May to mid-August) 
Or you can rent rowboats and visit the caves next to the lake and you will hear before entering bird song and I advise you to forget to take your camera with you to capture some pictures of the lake and caves

The best times to visit the lake is in the spring and summer where the nature around the lake with all its trees and plants in her best finery and then you can actually spend a day in the arms of an exceptional nature